In 1886, 34 years before women in the U.S. earned the right to vote, Avon's founder, David H. McConnell, helped give them the chance to earn an independent income. He didn’t set out to create a beauty company. In fact, McConnell was a traveling book salesperson who offered fragrances samples as an additional perk to his female customers. He saw that these women were more interested in the free perfume than the books. Since women had a passion for his products and loved networking with other women, McConnell was inspired to recruit them as Sales Representatives. From a small New York City office, McConnell himself mixed the company's first fragrances. This began Avon's long history of empowering women around the globe. 95 Years before the first woman was appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court ... 77 Years before the first woman traveled into space ... 76 Years before the first woman took the reins of a Fortune 500 company ... 34 Years before women in the U.S. had the rig...