The older boys are off to school now and it is difficult as an adult to send them to school. Even though we are doing a hybrid model it is still scary that they are out in the public after keeping them home and safe for all these months.
To have to remember to pack a snack, a water bottle and now a clean mask every day. I am finding my youngest who is in Kindergarten and has sensory issues tends to chew on his mask and by the time he gets home it is soaking wet. Now this is not going to be a good thing for his skin and face. I am thinking maybe I should send him with a disposable mask that way he won't like to chew on it.
Being a parent especially as a grandparent in these uncertain times is definitely not an easy thing. I remember when I was raising my kiddos how exciting going to school was and how I looked forward to it every year. Now it is a lot of remembering schedules and what days they go and if it is an even or odd day or an a,b,c,d,or e day.
What these two days does do is give me time to work on my business. Being able to be at home with my youngest and help my other daughter with my grandson and grand daughter and still be to bring some money into my home is so important.
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